Welcome to No Home For Hate – a place for people of any political persuasion who want to show they are against hate in our society.
Over the years various minoritised communities have been scapegoated by politicians, elements of the media and extremists for a failing economy, the strain on public services and the lack of affordable housing, jobs and opportunity. They have been falsely described as scroungers or a danger to society.
The rhetoric used by certain people in privileged positions of power has dehumanised some of the most vulnerable in our society, and bubbled over into violent attacks on our streets – riots, looting, arson – all carried out by a minority who want to sow hate and division.
No one in the UK should feel fear in their everyday lives because of who they are, how they look, their background, where they come from or who they love.
Solidarity and togetherness are what is needed now, more than ever. And the seeds have already been sown.
Just like during the pandemic, communities have come together. They have shown that the unjust persecution of minorities will not be tolerated, with a groundswell of anti-hate protests taking place across the UK.
No Home For Hate has a simple aim: to help people across the UK show unity and solidarity in whatever way they choose; to demonstrate that the vast majority of people in the UK stand against violence and hatred. The UK is #NoHomeForHate.
Our first step is to grow our community, and we need your help. Please share our social media platforms and invite others to join us. Encourage them to spread the word within their own communities and help expand our reach. We suggest that this be done through private messaging and invitations.
The reason is simple: we want our first solidarity action to create a tidal wave of real support for the principle that the UK is No Home for Hate. For now, joining and sharing to help grow our social media platform is all we ask.
Imagine if you invite 10 friends, and they each do the same—soon, our community will grow through a multiplier effect, exponentially, becoming a powerful force that stands united against hate.
We are planning our first online action in the background so we are ready when our audience is big enough.
Feel free share ideas with us. We can then upload them to our website where others can use them. Please email us in the first instance using the form below.
No Home For Hate is a group of people working together on a voluntary basis, trying to crowdsource ideas for community solidarity against hate. We are not affiliated to any organisation or political party. Please email using the form below if you would like to help or for more information.